
Financial Manager - Accountant - Reception

Welcome to our home away from home: Total Health Solutions.  My name is Marie.  I am Dr. Mitch’s wife.  Together, we care for the welfare of the clinic, our employees, and our patients.  But that is not all!  We are both passionate about everything Total Health.  That is why Total Health also involves our homelife.  Our home and the clinic are somewhat inseparable. 

I mostly do “behind the scenes stuff!”  While raising our children, I stayed at home and took care of our family and household needs.  That does not mean that I had nothing to do with the clinic.  Daily, we incorporated conversation about Total Health Solutions into our family times together.  Even our children were involved and continue to be to this very day.

Today, I use my accounting degree to care for all the accounting needs of the clinic.  You will often interact with me when I fill in at the front desk, help you with your special nutrient order or appointment need.  I also help Mitch manage patient care.


Lab Tech - Account Manager - Office Manager

I have been with Total Health Solutions since way-back in the 1980s!  I am the first person that Dr. Mitch and his wife Marie brought on their team.  My husband Paul and I have been best friends with the Mondo’s since before I was even hired.

When I started at the clinic I began as the front desk.  As the clinic grew, I took on more roles.  I learned a lot about working with insurance and supporting patients in getting their bills paid.  As we hired more people, I became influential in growing our team in the spirit of Total Health.  I became a phlebotomist in the early 1990s and took over the lab aspect of Dr. Mitch’s work.  Currently, I oversee every aspect of the clinic function with Dr. Mitch and Marie.  Although my life-long desire to become a nurse didn’t pan out, I LOVE the opportunities given me at Total Health Solutions to care for you in so many ways.